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You Finally Have
                                    A Professional Toolkit For
                     MAKING         BIGGER
                        YIELDS And The Keys To
                         The Professional                       Grower

Professional Growers like you are
demanding a simple but highly effective nutrient flowering
System that feeds your plants faster, easier and gives you
reliable bigger yields every time you harvest.
And before you focus in on the powerful, guaranteed
Bigger Yields formulas in this box, recall what got you to
this level. First of all, you’ve got top-rank standards for
yourself, your nutrients and your yields. You’re thought of
as a person who pays attention to crop quality and doesn’t
accept second best. You want the most efficient means of
achieving your growing goals, but you also want the most
powerful nutrients.

                                                         Turn page for more information è
You Finally                                    Now Say Hello To
Have a                                   Guaranteed 28.96% Bigger Yields
Professional                      Here’s the deal, you could use one of our base nutrients
Toolkit for                      along with our Hobbyist and Expert Bundles to get at least
Making Bigger                    19% bigger yields than you’ll get with any other nutrients, but
                                 you realize you’re capable of growing more than that.
  As you’re probably aware,
Advanced Nutrients invented
modern hydroponics nutrient
feed programs, but it’s not
your fault if your head starts
to hurt after looking at all
those different feed charts
and schedules that are
out there, because all the
other nutrient companies
soon followed after we got
the ball rolling and turned
hydroponics store shelves
into a costly, confusing
  Too many choices, not
enough information, and
gardeners used as guinea
pigs by companies that don’t
have real scientists and         Professional Growers like you deserve hydroponics nutrients
research programs dedicated      made by scientists for the plants you grow. The Professional
                                 Bundle™ delivers you bigger yields, backed by the latest plant
to bigger yields and the tight
                                 science research.
quality control that Advanced
Nutrients maintains.
  So a few years ago,               So get this Professional
your voices were heard             BundleTM right now and you’ll
and reached a crescendo
                                   have the power to control more
that caused me and our
team of 12 scientists to
                                   plant functions, do less work,
develop the Bigger Yields          save money, and get yields that
Flowering System™ that uses        are 28.96% bigger.
proprietary pH-Perfect™
Technology to eliminate you
                                  So get this Professional Bundle™ right now and you’ll have
wasting your time with pH-       the power to control more plant functions, do less work, save
PPM metering and adjusting.      money, and get yields that are 28.96% bigger.              è
Professional Grower
              Check Out What Your
        Professional Bundle Will Give You:

  • New Tarantula Beneficial Microbes Give You Larger,
Faster-Growing Flowers from roots that inhale nutrients
                                                                   Our formulas
faster and are protected from harmful microbes. Tarantula         have all been
armors your roots while naturally producing bloom co-factors
                       that make flowers grow denser and          standardized so
                       bigger. And get this, Tarantula is
                       the only beneficial microbes formula
                                                                  mixing and feeding is
                       ever made, specifically for your           automatically easy.
                       requirements. This means it’s more
                       biologically-active than the original
                       Tarantula and any other competitor’s
                       beneficial microbes formula.                By the way, there’s a free formula
                          • Nirvana Rewards You With the         in each bundle! Better yet, our base
                       only all-organic additive that sends      nutrients are five in one products,
                       fractionated co-factor extracts and
                       flower stimulants deep onto the heart     combining four powerful formulas
                       of your plants’ flower production         and a special blend of amino acids.
                       that means you’ll have bigger fatter
                                                                 So get your base nutrients and your
                         • Sensizym Provides You Money-
                                                                 three bundle boxes and you’re getting
                      Saving enzymes that eat root zone          15 products for the price of 8!
                      garbage and convert it to nutrients
                      for your plants while also clearing
                      your root zone media so you can
                      use it again and again. Your clean,          And when you’re
                      efficient, enzyme-rich plants produce
                      the most valuable flowers. Not only         ready for even bigger
                      that, Sensizym is the strongest, most
                      effective hydroponics enzyme formula        yields, combine
                      and the best news is Sensizym is
yours absolutely FREE in this bundle!
                                                                  Hobbyist, Expert
                                                                  and Professional
          Just Imagine How Much Fun                               Bundles with the
       You’ll Have With The Time You Save
                Using The System
                                                                  Grand Master
 Think about all the other fun things you could be doing with
                                                                  Grower BundleTM
your time instead of fooling around metering and adjusting
your pH-PPM. Not to mention the constant threat of burning
                                                                  and then watch your
yourself or your clothes with pH adjustment chemicals.            plants fill your grow
 Hey, just forget about mixing problems too. Our formulas have
all been standardized so mixing and feeding is automatically
                                                                  room with blooms
easy.                                                             that exceed your
  And when you’re ready for even bigger yields, combine
Hobbyist, Expert and Professional Bundles with the Grand
                                                                  wildest expectations
Master Bundle™ and then watch your plants fill your grow
room with blooms that exceed your wildest expectations
guaranteed.                                            n
Pump Up Your Root Size,
Protect Your Roots, and

          esearch shows your plants’ roots are the key to
          your yield size and potency ... yet ... the first thing
          you notice about most hydroponics root zones is
they are biologically sterile. Nothing other than roots are
alive in them.
 Or worse, sometimes, your root zone isn’t sterile because
your roots are attacked by harmful fungi, bacteria, and
diseases that eat your roots and rot them ...
 And when you focus on your roots, you might notice
that they’re bare and spindly-looking. But healthy roots
actually look healthy, not like most roots you’ll see. They’re
“muscular,” intensely-branched, thickened, and robustly
You don’t see that kind of roots very often in hydroponics
gardens unless you’ve imported beneficial microbes into
your root zone. But how do you do that?
   the tiniest organisms produce

                                                                                                                     GROWER LEVEL
     the biggest yields for you
  Inserting beneficial microbes into your root zone is
easy when you administer Tarantula to your crops, so
let’s look at all the good things that’ll happen for your
plants when you do.
 For example, scientists bred pseudomonas chloro-
raphis because it’s a “plant growth promoting rhizo-
bacteria,” or PGPR. Now here’s the really interesting
thing about pseudomonas and other PGPR’s: they
digest organic debris in your root zone by secreting
compounds called cytokinins that stimulate floral pro-
duction, plant health, and plant branching.
 These cytokinins, otherwise known as phytohor-
mones, enter your plants and promote floral cell divi-
sion, branching, and also have an anti-aging effect.
Guess what…the anti-aging affect means your flow-
ers create more potent oils, and your plants have
more vigor longer into bloom phase than they nor-
mally would.
                                                            Installing Tarantula’s special breeds of
                                                            beneficial microbes in your root zone
    you put up a microbial barrier                          pays off for you when you harvest your
      that protects your plants                             crops.

 Beneficial root zone microbes protect your plants by       • Increase nutrient uptake and solubil-
creating a barrier that keeps harmful microbes from            ity of minerals
getting started in your root zone. Our studies found        • Produce natural plant growth hor-
that in hydroponic root zones that were not treated           mones
with beneficial bacteria, there was a 39% chance
that harmful bacteria had crept in.                         • Improve aeration and water-holding
                                                               capacity of root zone material
  You may have experienced this as root rot, loss of
clones, slow growth, or smaller yields, without know-       • Increased viability of seeds, clones
ing that your root zone had been colonized by harmful          and transplants
bacteria.                                                   • Enhance availability of phosphorous
  Along with the benefits outlined previously, beneficial      and increase conversion of atmo-
microbes establish a line of defense that outcompetes          spheric nitrogen to plant-available
with harmfuls so your roots are safer and stronger.            nitrogen
But that’s not all. You get leaf and stem protection        • Defeat harmful fungi, molds and bac-
when you spray Tarantula as a foliar so it stops pow-          teria
dery mildew and other problems that can harm your
                                                              One other thing, for beneficial microbe
leaves and flowers.
                                                            products to be successful for you, they
                                                            have to have a very high number of col-
HERE’S WHAT TARANTULA’S                                     ony-forming units per gram. In simple
EXCLUSIVE MICROBES DO:                                      language, this means that the formula
                                                            should have a high number of microbes
• Decompose organic matter to create extra nutri-           per gram. Tarantula clocks in at 1.4
  tion for your plants                                      billion viable bacteria per gram, making
• Increase plant growth rates and yields                    it by far the strongest of its type.
                                                                                            turn page   ¾
         GROWER LEVEL     not all beneficial root
                          microbes formulas are                                                         STRONGER
                              created equal                                                               ROOTS

                         It’s confusing and frustrating when                      INCREASE
                        you go to a hydroponics store and see                          YOUR
                        beneficial microbes formulas made by                    GROWTH RATE
                        different manufacturers. Your obvious                                                PROTECT YOUR
                                                                                   AND YIELD
                        question is which of these is going to                                                     PLANTS
                        give me the biggest bang for my buck.
                         The answer is, there are two very                                               SPECIALLY-BRED
                        distinct processes manufacturers use                      DESIGNED BY            MICROBES
                        when they want to offer microbe prod-                     SCIENTISTS
                        ucts ...
                         Most hydroponics companies save
                        money on costs by hiring a third-party
                        company to bulk produce and bulk com-
                        bine microbes without testing them for
                        specific plant appropriateness or mi-            Tarantula works for your plants in every type of hydroponics
                        crobial compatibility. Not only that, but        and soil system, guaranteeing you increased harvest rewards.
                        their process includes a generic view

                                                                     of microbes. For example, when someone talks about
                                                                     the microbe “bacillus subtilis,” that strain name is really
                                                                     just the tip of the iceberg… it’s exactly like saying “Gen-
                                                                     eral Motors” to describe a car, and you have no idea if
                                                                     it’s a Pontiac or a Chevy.
                                                                       And if it’s a Chevy, it could be either a Malibu or Cor-
                                                                     vette. So if you’re lucky, you got the Corvette – but
                                                                     you’re still left guessing if your Corvette has the 430 hp
                                                                     motor or if it’s a ZR1 Corvette with the 620 horsepow-
                                                                     er motor! That’s how much difference there is between
                                                                     individual types of “bacillus subtilis” microbes. Obvious-
                                                                     ly we absolutely make sure VooDoo Juice microbes are
                                                                     always the ZR1 Corvette with 620 horsepower motor,
                                                                     not the Chevy Malibu!

                                                                     HERE’S HOW WE DO IT…
                                                                     •   Advanced Nutrients hires the sharpest microbiolo-
                                                                         gists in the world. One of them is especially impres-
                                                                         sive: she has three Ph.D. degrees! We have a team
                                                                         of scientists testing and breeding hundreds of sub-
                                                                         varieties of bacillus subtilis and other beneficial mi-
                        Beneficial microbes created by scientists        crobes in a continual research program and we are
                        studying the roots of plants you grow            always upgrading our formulas.
                        give you a wide array of plusses that
                        increase the stability and productivity of   •   It’s a known fact that specific beneficial microbes
                        your plants.                                     work better with certain plants than others. That’s
    why we put so much time and money into our                 versus slow replicating microbes).

                                                                                                                        GROWER LEVEL
    breeding program. We’re driven to find the needle
    in the haystack of microbes that work absolutely       •   Tarantula is not outsourced. We’re
    the best for the plants you grow.                          the only hydroponics nutrient
                                                               company in the world manufacturing
•   Our scientists demand that we buy them all the             all our microbial products ourselves
    expensive, precision equipment needed to iden-             with a full-time Ph.D. microbiologist
    tify each microbial strain’s special characteristics       personally supervising all aspects of
    and compatibility with each other that make them           production at all times. (The same
    “SuperStrains.” That’s why our microbes are also           is true for our Piranha and VooDoo
    extremely fast-replicating so they quickly colonize        Juice products)
    root zones for rapid results (yes, we test for fast
                                                           •   Each microbe strain is individually
                                                               bred (not in a bunch of vats or
                                                               tubs) in a purpose-built 10,000
                                                               liter breeding reactor. This is a very
                                                               critical, time consuming step, but
                                                               it’s necessary because different
                                                               strains of beneficial microbes breed
                                                               at different rates and we have to
                                                               ensure total uniformity and maximum
                                                               colony forming units (CFU’s). After
                                                               breeding, the microbes are taken
                                                               to the evaporation tower and dried,
                                                               and then all the strains in Tarantula
                                                               are carefully recombined.

                                                           •   To ensure Tarantula’s very long shelf
                                                               life and superior viability, its microbes
                                                               are put into hibernation with an
                                                               “antagonist” compound that keeps
                                                               the microbes dormant until you mix
                                                               Tarantula into a nutrient reservoir
                                                               and the antagonist is diluted.

                                                           •   As soon as the antagonist is diluted,
                                                               Tarantula’s microbes immediately
                                                               exit dormancy, replicate quickly, and
                                                               burst into action for you by wrapping
                                                               themselves around and penetrating
                                                               into roots, creating flower-boosting
                                                               hormones, and increasing root size
                                                               and function.

                                                             When you pick up Tarantula today,
                                                           you’re on your way to making your garden
                                                           the maximum-yielding envy of all your
Use Tarantula to feed carbohydrates which strengthen       friends. Get your roots protected and
your beneficial microbes so they increase your root mass   enhanced using Tarantula, and watch
for even more flower-boosting power.                       the guaranteed bigger bud results.
                                                                                               turn page   ¾
PROFESSIONAL                                                                                        frequently asked
         GROWER LEVEL       fast facts                                                                 questions
                        PRODUCT TYPE: 100% Organic                                         QUESTION: I see that you also have two other
                        Root Booster / Crop Protector /                                   formulas that go into the root zone. Will I get
                        Yield Booster                                                     more benefits if I use all three, or can I just use
                        GARDEN TYPES: Tarantula has been                                  Tarantula?
                        specially designed for use with all hydro-
                        ponics, sphagnum, coco coir and soil
                                                                                           ANSWER: It’s true that we offer VooDoo Juice
                        growing mediums. Tarantula has been
                                                                                          beneficial microbes and Piranha beneficial fungi, both
                        developed for use with any and all hy-
                        droponic, aeroponic, drip irrigation, NFT,                        of which have unique root and yield enhancing benefits.
                        flood & drain, drip emitters and continu-                         We offer those formulas and Tarantula because the
                        ous liquid feed growing systems.                                  combined array of beneficials when using the three
                        WHEN TO USE: Early Veg Phase,                                     together gives you the most dynamic, supernaturally-
                        Seedlings, Cloning, First phase of                                performing root zone that revs up your roots, plant
                        bloom cycle.                                                      growth, and yield size. You can definitely use any of our
                        MIXING DIRECTIONS: Use 2 mL                                       beneficials by themselves and get increased growth and
                        per Liter during weeks 1 and 2 of                                 yield, but used together, you get the healthiest and most
                        your flowering phase.                                             productive plants possible.
                        GROWER EXPERIENCE LEVEL:
                        Professional and Grand Master                                       QUESTION: My buddy used your VooDoo, Ta-
                        Growers                                                           rantula and Piranha and said his roots got hu-
                        TARANTULA BENEfITS:                                               mongous. Can that be a problem?
                        ● Natural, more-fertile root zone
                        ● Bigger yields                                                    ANSWER: Your plants’ roots will get as big as they
                        ● Plant protection and faster growth                              can get, given the space they’re growing in. This will give
                        ● Resistance to disease and stress                                you more root support for bigger yields. Bigger roots
                        ● Increased nutrient uptake
                                                                                          equal bigger yields. But we’ve never seen a case where
                        ● Increased light intake and
                                                                                          the roots got so big that it caused problems for growers.
                          photosynthesis rates

                             Company Founders’ NO-RISK,                                    QUESTION: I grow all-organic in soil. Why do I
                                                                                          still need to use beneficial microbes?
                                 100% Money Back
                           Tarantula was specifically built for growers just like you,      ANSWER: If you could import the richest, healthiest,
                         who have specific demands and expectations from your hy-         most undisturbed and fertile outdoor soil into your gar-
                         droponic needs. When you use Tarantula it must perform
                         flawlessly for you. You’ll find it will mix easily and quickly   den, you’d have a rich broth of beneficial microbes. But
                         into your reservoir and deliver the goods you’re looking for.    that kind of soil will also have pathogens and insects in
                           What’s more..., Tarantula will work every time for you using   it, and it is usually not the right porosity or pH for your
                         any and all hydroponics, sphagnum, coco coir and soil grow-
                         ing mediums and all hydroponics, aeroponics, drip irrigation,
                                                                                          types of plants or gardening. Truth be told, most soil
                         NFT, flood & drain, drip emitters and continuous liquid feed     you buy is either biologically dead, or its diseases. So by
                         growing systems. We guarantee it!                                adding the right types of beneficial microbes to your soil,
                           And when you use Tarantula you’ll never have to risk even
                                                                                          you ensure that only beneficials gain dominance there.
                         one penny because it’s 100% guaranteed, as always if for
                         any reason you’re not absolutely delighted we’ll refund
                         all your money back it’s that simple.
                           As always, dedicated to your garden-
                         ing success.
For Organic High Value Gardening,
Use This Premium 100%

To Boost The Size And Quality Of Your Buds

     n your relentless quest for larger buds that are        Most manufacturers use acid hydrolysis, which destroys
     worth more to you and your associates, you now         L-aminos. When you use Nirvana’s enzymatically-
     have an all-organic formula called Nirvana.            hydrolyzed soy protein, your plants get L-aminos that
 When you look at what Nirvana has in it and how these      stimulate floral growth, size and potency.
organics work for you, you’ll realize why Nirvana is the     Another Nirvana benefit comes from two other plants:
number one choice for growers seeking an organic way        Chilean Soap Bark and Yucca. These amazing plants
to increase yield and quality.                              produce compounds called surfactants. A surfactant is a
  There’s a superstar list of ingredients on board for      compound that reduces the “surface tension” of liquids
you including alfalfa extract that stimulates growth        so they and
and yield in your hydroponic plants because it contains     whatever they
triacontanol, a powerful molecule that increases            contain more
your plants’ absorption of C02. Alfalfa is particularly     easily enter
important if you’ve invested money in C02 for your          your plants
grow room; it gives you more rapid intake of C02, faster    via roots and
growth and larger yields.                                   leaves.

 Nirvana also gives you ascophyllum nodosum algae             Surfactants
(along with kelp extracts). These rich compounds            also help
contain auxins, betaines and cytokinins that are direct     compounds
stimulators of root function, cell replication, flower      travel deeper
size and flower growth rates. In addition, kelp and         and faster
ascophyllum extracts increase your plants’ resistance to    inside plants.
heat, stress, overfertilization and drought.                What this
                                                            means is that
  It’s interesting to note that these extracts can extend   nutrients are
the shelf life of stored flowers. When you use Nirvana      more available
starting in early flowering, its algae and kelp extracts    to more of your
create more flowering sites, more flowers, and larger       plants. Yucca
flowers.                                                    extract and
 The benefits keep on coming when you use Nirvana           Chilean Soap
because it contains soy protein that has been pre-          Bark extract are
digested using enzymes instead of the acid process that     two all-natural
most manufacturers use. Enzymatically-hydrolyzed soy        surfactants
protein ensure that flower-boosting amino acids cysteine    that transfer
and tryptophan are preserved in the biologically-active     nutrients into
“L” form.                                                   your plants. Not
only that, but, Chilean Soap Bark fights plant viruses      contains 22 essential amino acids
and increases the strength and scope of your plants’        that build plant proteins, and it’s also

                                                                                                                     GROWER LEVEL
immune systems.                                             loaded with B vitamins. The most im-
                                                            portant of these are B1 and B6, which
                                                            help plants defend themselves against
                The Only True Organic                       stress and also offer cellular protec-
      Harvest-Boosting Gift For Your Plants                 tion. B vitamins are particularly useful
                                                            for cloning, seedlings and transplant-
 Have you ever heard of tiny organisms called “krill?” ing, motherplants and gardens where
These little critters have an outer shell made of a chitin. plants are being pushed hard for pro-
When chitin is fed to your plants, it stimulates plant duction.
immune systems, similar to how a vaccination protects
you against disease. Chitin helps your plants defend                 Nirvana Provides
themselves against harmful fungi and insect attacks and it
assists beneficial root zone microbes that strengthen and         Rich, Organic Nutrients
protect your roots.                                                    For Your Plants
  Another of Nirvana’s potent bud potentiator ingredients      Nirvana contains a miracle substance
is bat guano that contains chitin, along with nitrogen,      called “azomite”. When you read the
trace elements, amino acids, nucleic acids, proteins         list of substances that are contained in
and minerals. Bat guano is rapidly-absorbed by plants,       azomite, you’ll see why it’s valuable
creating stronger plants that grow faster and produce        for your plants.
bigger flowers.                                               These include calcium           oxide,
 Along with guano, Nirvana has a yeast component that        carbon, iron, hydrogen,          silica,

Your flowers are safer, more potent, tastier, more aromatic, and more valuable when you use Nirvana,
the only true all-organic bud builder that provides vitamins, nutrients, L-aminos, carbohydrates, and
yield boosters.
                                                                                            turn page   ¾

                                                                    NIRVANA OUTPERFORMS ALL OTHERS

                                                                                                                                                                          TASTIER FLOWERS
                                                                                                                                                    MORE POTENT FLOWERS
                                                                                                                                   LARGER FLOWERS
                                                                                                                   RARE EXTRACTS
                                                                                                     ALL ORGANIC
                                                                                     NIRVANA BEATS LIQUID KARMA AND ALL OTHER ORGANIC
                                                                               Nirvana gives you a wider range of crop-boosting
                                                                                                    BOOSTERS COMBINED
                                                                               benefits than Liquid Karma, Pure Blend, and similar
                                                                               competing formulas, and it’s 100% organic.

                                                                  root zone. A related compound is fulvic acid, also derived
                                                                  from leonardite. Fulvic acid similarly transports nutrients
                                                                  into cells. It also has protective benefits that help plants
                                                                  resist stress and toxins.

                        Scientists worked hard to give you
                        an all-organic bloom phase booster                            Putting it All Together For More Organic
                        that increases the dollar value of your                        Growth Boosters In One Easy Formula
                        harvests while adding quality and
                        pleasure to your gardening experience.   As you can imagine, it’s difficult to individually source
                                                                or use these beneficial natural ingredients as individual
                        gold, magnesium, nitrogen, sulfur, supplements …
                        magnesium        oxide,       antimony,
                        chromium, cobalt, boron, molybdenum, For your convenience, Advanced Nutrients has
                        copper,      phosphorus      pentoxide, extracted, standardized and combined these powerful
                        manganese, indium, silver, zinc and compounds into one formula called Nirvana. Not only
                        dozens of others. In fact, virtually that, but Nirvana is triple-filtered, custom-blended for
                        every element on earth is contained you to easily apply as a foliar feed or in any type of
                        in azomite. You’ll notice that many hydroponics irrigation root zone system.
                        of azomite’s ingredients are essential Be aware that Nirvana is often placed on hydroponic
                        nutrients for your plants.              store shelves along with competing products such as Pure
                          Another of Nirvana’s underground Blend Pro and Liquid Karma, but Nirvana contains more
                        benefits for your plants is humic acid. crop-boosting ingredients than any other organic booster
                        It comes from leonardite, which is product. Not only that, Nirvana is the only 100% organic,
                        amongst the richest veins of organic concentrated and easy to use formula of its type.
                        material in the earth. Humic acid In your quest to naturally increase the size, potency,
                        helps your plants intake and utilize weight and marketability of your flowers, Nirvana stands
                        nutrients faster, while protecting roots alone as a rich supplement that you want to feed your
                        and creating a healthier, more aerated plants right away.
                          Fast Facts                                                     “Before I was using

                                                                                                                                               GROWER LEVEL
                                                                                         Nirvana, I was kind of
PRODUCT TYPE: Organic Bloom Booster                                                      resigned thinking that the
and Plant Growth Enhancer                                                                price of staying organic
GARDEN TYPES: Nirvana has been specially designed                                        was that I lost some
for use with all hydroponics, sphagnum, coco coir and soil                               harvest weight. But I
growing mediums. Nirvana has been developed for use                                      gave Nirvana a try. I used
with any and all hydroponic, aeroponic, drip irrigation,                                 it as a foliar spray about
NFT, flood & drain, drip emitters and continuous liquid
growing systems.
                                                                                         3 weeks before I went to
                                                                                         flowering and as a root
WHEN TO USE: During bloom phase, cloning, for                                            feed after that. You could
seedlings, when plants are under stress                                                  see the difference right
MIXING DIRECTIONS: Use 2 mL per Liter during                                             away. The flowers are
weeks 3 through 6 of your flowering phase                                                bigger and they have a
GROWER EXPERIENCE LEVEL:                                                                 sweeter taste!
Professional and Grand Masters Growers                                                       Qunicy T., from Athens, Georgia

l  Boosts energy and metabolism so your plants
   grow larger faster
l  Increases nutrient distribution and uptake                                                    Frequently Asked
l  Strengthens plants against day-to-day stress                                                     Questions
l  Gives more harvest value for your investment
l  Provides building materials for more and larger blooms                                  QUESTION: I’ve heard that Nirvana
l  Boosts energy and metabolism so your plants grow                                      is good as a foliar. Can it be left on
   larger faster                                                                         blooms until harvest time?
l  Increases nutrient distribution and uptake
                                                                                           ANSWER: Nirvana has two
                                                                                         surfactants that make it penetrate leaves
                 Company Founders’ NO-RISK,                                              to deliver flower-boosting compounds
                     100% Money Back                                                     directly into floral clusters. Nirvana is
                                                                                         all-organic, so it’s safe to leave on your
                       GUARANTEE                                                         flowers. However, we recommend that
 Nirvana was specifically built for growers just like you, who have specific demands     you mist and cleanse your floral clusters
 and expectations from your hydroponic needs. When you use Nirvana it must               with pure water just before harvest as
 perform flawlessly for you. You’ll find it will mix easily and quickly into your
                                                                                         a general way of creating the cleanest
 reservoir and deliver the goods you’re looking for.
                                                                                         end product.
 What’s more..., Nirvana will work every time for you using any and all hydroponics,
 sphagnum, coco coir and soil growing mediums and all hydroponics, aeroponics,            QUESTION: Does Nirvana do
 drip irrigation, NFT, flood & drain, drip emitters and continuous liquid feed growing   anything to improve taste and aroma
 systems. We guarantee it!                                                               when using it in with synthetic
 And when you use Nirvana you’ll never have to risk even                                 fertilizers?
 one penny because it’s 100% guaranteed, as always if
 for any reason you’re not absolutely delighted we’ll                                      ANSWER: One of the main effects
 refund all your money back it’s that simple.                                            of Nirvana is to add an organic, natural
 As always, dedicated to your gardening success.                                         component to synthetic feed programs.
                                                                                         Many growers report the improved
                                                                                         taste and aroma when they use Nirvana.

                          AND GET BIGGER YIELDS

       f you want
       bigger yields,
       then you
should give your
plants’ a clean root
zone filled with active
enzymes that digest
debris and promote
nutrient absorption                             Turn Root Zone Waste
                                                   Into Faster Growth
... creates nutrition                                And Bigger Yields
for your plants ...
and even makes                       First of all, enzymes are molecules that take
                                    apart other molecules, a fact that can get you
your root zone                      faster growth and bigger yields ...
material reusable                     You see, if you were growing outdoors in the
so you save money.                  healthiest, most fertile soil, your plants’ roots
                                    would be surrounded by billions of beneficial
                                    microbes that manufacture enzymes. These
                                    enzymes are constantly breaking down dead roots,
                                    other organic matter, and unused nutrients. They
                                    transform them into materials that your plants use
                                    for fuel to make faster growth and bigger yields.
                                      Rich enzymes in the root zone are one main
                                    reason outdoor plants get so huge and productive
                                    ... but ... you can’t just use any enzymes. You
                                    have to give your root zone the most powerfully
                                    appropriate enzymes for the job. Specifically, the
                                    most useful enzymes are chitinases, proteases,

                                                                               “I used some other SensiZym
                                                                               stuff and when I opened the

                                                                                                                                                                                                     GROWER LEVEL
Root Zone Cleanser, Root Enhancer, Plant                                       bottle it smelled bad. That
Protector                                                                      happened twice. Then they
GARDEN TYPES:                                                                  recommended Sensizym
Rockwool, Coir, Soil, Sphagnum, Ebb & Flow,                                    and I got it and it was clearly
NFT, aeroponics, aquaponics, vertical stacker,                                 superior. I’ve used it in
rotary, indoor, outdoor, organic, synthorganic,                                rockwool and aeroponics
                                                                               and it works great in both.”
WHEN TO USE:                                     Sensizym works in all kinds                                                                 Josh, from Kitchener, Ontario
During all phases of growth, but especiallyof hydroponics systems to
                                          protect your crops, save you
beginning in early bloom phase and continuing and activate your
to harvest.                                   plants for bigger yields.

                                                                                SHELF LIFE, ENZYME CONCENTRATION AND ENZYME STRENGTH
                                                                               SHELF LIFE, ENZYME CONCENTRATION AND ENZYME STRENGTH
Ullabore henditate

 hydrolases, glucanases and cellulases.
Professionalinsert Grand Masterconcentrated amounts of
  When you and live, thriving, growers
 these enzymes into your root zone, you create the vigorous
 enzymatic environment your roots need so they’re protected
 against nematodes, pathogens and rot. At the same time, the
 enzymes are turning debris into pre-digested food for your

            You Get What You Really

            Need In An Enzyme

 You should know a lot of hydroponics companies take
shortcuts that short circuit the value of enzymes. Instead of
using the precise types and ratios of enzymes that have been
shown to work the hardest and fastest in your root zone,
some companies outsource their manufacturing so they
don’t know what’s in their enzyme products.
  Because when you want to deliver a guaranteed effective
                                                                                                                  Sensizym gives YOU LONGERshelf life, more
                                                                                                                   SENSIZYM GIVES you longer SHELF LIFE, MORE
enzyme formula to gardeners, you have to get enzymes that                                                             BIOLOGICAL ENZYME ACTIVITY, AND MORE
                                                                                                                     biological enzyme activity, and more
have been specially extracted in professional bioengineering                                                     CONCENTRATED ENZYME POWER THAN ANY OTHER
laboratories ...
                                                                                                                       concentrated enzyme power than
                                                                                                                         HYDROPONICS ENZYME FORMULA
                                                                                                                                       any other hydroponics enzyme formula.
  Scientists in these labs grow huge amounts of beneficial
soil microbes (the kind that manufacture the enzymes your
plants need), and then they ferment those microbes to get
concentrated doses of enzymes. After that, the enzymes are                        “I started using Sensizym to get more
tested individually and together to ensure that they have                         out of Piranha, VooDoo and Tarantula.
maximum shelf life, viability and effectiveness in the root                       I saw that my veg phase plants grow
zone.                                                                             faster now, and the
 Sometimes our scientists found that an individual enzyme                         roots are stronger.
might not work so well with other enzymes, or that a                              The rockwool is cleaner.
particular enzyme just cannot be kept active in solution.                         This stuff works!”
They also discover the optimum pH and liquid viscosity                                                                                                    Naomi K.,
that works to preserve the bioactivity of enzymes for long                                                                             from Guelph, Ontario, Canada
periods of time.
PROFESSIONAL                 Of course, there are other
                           considerations. Our scientists            “To be honest, I have no idea what an enzyme
         GROWER LEVEL      are aware of the pH and                   is or what it does. I bought this because the
                           temperature of nutrient water             hydro store guy said to when I was having
                           in your hydroponics garden.               problems with root rot. Well I don’t have the
                           They make sure that Sensizym’s            root rot problems anymore and I also see that
                           enzymes function are at full              Sensizym made the plants bushier. So I think
                           strength in your range of pH and
                                                                     this is a great product for sure.”
                     By the way, it’s interesting to                                                Luke, from Chico, California
                   note that Sensizym enzymes
                   and beneficial microbes work
                   together to provide additional
                   benefits in your root zone. For
  example, when Sensizym’s enzymes break down
  material into sugars, beneficial microbes eat the
  sugars, creating more enzymes, larger root mass,
  hormones that boost flowers, and increased root
  uptake of nutrients.

                        Now Save Money
                        On Rockwool, Coco,
                        Or Whatever Else
                        You’re Using
                        For Your Root Zone
   The bottom line is: there’s now an easy way
  for you to enhance your roots, put more nutrition
  into your plants, protect your roots, boost floral
  growth, deprive harmful pathogens of food, and
  clean your root zone.
   As you prepare to get 100% organic Sensizym
  and bring all these benefits into your garden,
  there’s one other interesting fact that growers
  have discovered using Sensizym. According to
  what we’re told by growers, and confirmed by
  gardeners as well as plant scientists, Sensizym
  does such a good job of decomposing root zone
  debris that you can reuse root zone media such
  as rockwool and coco coir.
   This saves you money and time, because you
  don’t have to buy root zone material as often.
  You don’t have to buy it and then pre-treat it as
  often. Nor do you have to dispose of it as often.
   So get yourself Sensizym and give yourself the              “Before I used Sensizym I had to throw out
  root zone benefits that translate into safer, faster-       my rockwool slabs after every crop. It cost
  growing, higher-yielding plants. When you go                me money and was messy. Now I can use
  to your store to get your enzyme formula, rest              the slabs for three or more crop cycles. The
  assured that Sensizym is the only one with such a           money I saved is going to LED lights.”
  broad range of bioactive, concentrated enzymes                                 Bruce, from Hartford, Connecticut
  specifically researched and found to be perfect
  for your root zone.
                                                                      Root Zone Cleanser,
                                      Cleaner, more biologically
                                                                      Root Enhancer, Plant Protector

                                                                                                                      GROWER LEVEL
                                 active root zones will save you
                                   money because you can use
                                     your root zone media over
                                     again, and it will make you               Cleaner Root Zone
                                money because your plants are
                                healthier and more productive.                 Less Pathogens and
                                                                               Diseases in Root Zone
                                                                               More Nutrition for Faster
                                                                               Growth and Bigger Yield
                                                                               Save Money on Root
                                                                               Zone Materials
                                                                               Feed Beneficial Microbes
                                                                      Professional and Grand Master Growers
                                                                      During all phases of growth, but especially begin-
                                                                      ning in early bloom phase and continuing to
                                                                      Sensizym has been specially designed for use with
                                                                      all hydroponics, sphagnum, coco coir and soil
                                                                      growing mediums. Sensizym has been developed
                                                                      for use with any and all hydroponic, aeroponic,
                                                                      drip irrigation, NFT, flood & drain, drip emitters
                                                                      and continuous liquid feed growing systems.

                                                                       QUESTION: I definitely want to reuse my
                                                                      rockwool, so how do I do it?

       Company Founders’ NO-RISK,                                      ANSWER: Use Sensizym throughout bloom
                                                                      phase. Make sure you do a Final Phase flush
           100% Money Back                                            before harvest. After harvest, flush your rockwool
             GUARANTEE                                                thoroughly, and go through it to ensure that
                                                                      no large pieces of root or other material are still
Sensizym was specifically built for growers just like you, who
                                                                      present. Keep the medium pH balanced and apply
have specific demands and expectations from your hydroponic
                                                                      Sensizym for a few more days. Then let the medium
needs. When you use Sensizym it must perform flawlessly for
you. You’ll find it will mix easily and quickly into your reservoir   dry to the regular wetness that’s optimum for your
and deliver the goods you’re looking for.                             plants, and reuse the material.
What’s more..., Sensizym will work every time for you using            QUESTION: I went to the hydro store to get
any and all hydroponics, sphagnum, coco coir and soil growing         Sensizym. The salesman said that it had been on
mediums and all hydroponics, aeroponics, drip irrigation,             his shelf about 3 months. He said that he would
NFT, flood & drain, drip emitters and continuous liquid feed          not recommend other enzyme products if they had
growing systems. We guarantee it!                                     been in the store more than a couple weeks. So
And when you use Sensizym you’ll never have to risk even              how long is yours going to last on the shelf?
one penny because it’s 100% guaranteed, as always if for any            ANSWER: We have the
reason you’re not absolutely delighted we’ll refund all your          strongest guarantee and
money back it’s that simple.                                          the longest shelf life in the
As always, dedicated to your                                          industry. Under normal
gardening success.                                                    storage conditions with a
                                                                      reasonably     temperature-
                                                                      controlled store, the shelf
                                                                      life is 18 months.

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Professional grower level

  • 1. You Finally Have A Professional Toolkit For MAKING BIGGER YIELDS And The Keys To The Professional Grower Kingdom Professional Growers like you are demanding a simple but highly effective nutrient flowering System that feeds your plants faster, easier and gives you reliable bigger yields every time you harvest. And before you focus in on the powerful, guaranteed Bigger Yields formulas in this box, recall what got you to this level. First of all, you’ve got top-rank standards for yourself, your nutrients and your yields. You’re thought of as a person who pays attention to crop quality and doesn’t accept second best. You want the most efficient means of achieving your growing goals, but you also want the most powerful nutrients. Turn page for more information è
  • 2. You Finally Now Say Hello To Have a Guaranteed 28.96% Bigger Yields Professional Here’s the deal, you could use one of our base nutrients Toolkit for along with our Hobbyist and Expert Bundles to get at least Making Bigger 19% bigger yields than you’ll get with any other nutrients, but you realize you’re capable of growing more than that. Yields As you’re probably aware, Advanced Nutrients invented modern hydroponics nutrient feed programs, but it’s not your fault if your head starts to hurt after looking at all those different feed charts and schedules that are out there, because all the other nutrient companies soon followed after we got the ball rolling and turned hydroponics store shelves into a costly, confusing minefield. Too many choices, not enough information, and gardeners used as guinea pigs by companies that don’t have real scientists and Professional Growers like you deserve hydroponics nutrients research programs dedicated made by scientists for the plants you grow. The Professional Bundle™ delivers you bigger yields, backed by the latest plant to bigger yields and the tight science research. quality control that Advanced Nutrients maintains. So a few years ago, So get this Professional your voices were heard BundleTM right now and you’ll and reached a crescendo have the power to control more that caused me and our team of 12 scientists to plant functions, do less work, develop the Bigger Yields save money, and get yields that Flowering System™ that uses are 28.96% bigger. proprietary pH-Perfect™ Technology to eliminate you So get this Professional Bundle™ right now and you’ll have wasting your time with pH- the power to control more plant functions, do less work, save PPM metering and adjusting. money, and get yields that are 28.96% bigger. è
  • 3. Professional Grower BUNDLE™ Check Out What Your Professional Bundle Will Give You: • New Tarantula Beneficial Microbes Give You Larger, Faster-Growing Flowers from roots that inhale nutrients Our formulas faster and are protected from harmful microbes. Tarantula have all been armors your roots while naturally producing bloom co-factors that make flowers grow denser and standardized so bigger. And get this, Tarantula is the only beneficial microbes formula mixing and feeding is ever made, specifically for your automatically easy. requirements. This means it’s more biologically-active than the original Tarantula and any other competitor’s beneficial microbes formula. By the way, there’s a free formula • Nirvana Rewards You With the in each bundle! Better yet, our base only all-organic additive that sends nutrients are five in one products, fractionated co-factor extracts and flower stimulants deep onto the heart combining four powerful formulas of your plants’ flower production and a special blend of amino acids. that means you’ll have bigger fatter So get your base nutrients and your flowers. • Sensizym Provides You Money- three bundle boxes and you’re getting Saving enzymes that eat root zone 15 products for the price of 8! garbage and convert it to nutrients for your plants while also clearing your root zone media so you can use it again and again. Your clean, And when you’re efficient, enzyme-rich plants produce the most valuable flowers. Not only ready for even bigger that, Sensizym is the strongest, most effective hydroponics enzyme formula yields, combine and the best news is Sensizym is yours absolutely FREE in this bundle! Hobbyist, Expert and Professional Just Imagine How Much Fun Bundles with the You’ll Have With The Time You Save Using The System Grand Master Think about all the other fun things you could be doing with Grower BundleTM your time instead of fooling around metering and adjusting your pH-PPM. Not to mention the constant threat of burning and then watch your yourself or your clothes with pH adjustment chemicals. plants fill your grow Hey, just forget about mixing problems too. Our formulas have all been standardized so mixing and feeding is automatically room with blooms easy. that exceed your And when you’re ready for even bigger yields, combine Hobbyist, Expert and Professional Bundles with the Grand wildest expectations Master Bundle™ and then watch your plants fill your grow room with blooms that exceed your wildest expectations guaranteed. guaranteed. n
  • 4. Pump Up Your Root Size, Protect Your Roots, and GET BIGGER, MoRE PoTEnT FLoWERs R esearch shows your plants’ roots are the key to your yield size and potency ... yet ... the first thing you notice about most hydroponics root zones is they are biologically sterile. Nothing other than roots are alive in them. Or worse, sometimes, your root zone isn’t sterile because your roots are attacked by harmful fungi, bacteria, and diseases that eat your roots and rot them ... And when you focus on your roots, you might notice that they’re bare and spindly-looking. But healthy roots actually look healthy, not like most roots you’ll see. They’re “muscular,” intensely-branched, thickened, and robustly alive. You don’t see that kind of roots very often in hydroponics gardens unless you’ve imported beneficial microbes into your root zone. But how do you do that?
  • 5. PROFESSIONAL the tiniest organisms produce GROWER LEVEL the biggest yields for you Inserting beneficial microbes into your root zone is easy when you administer Tarantula to your crops, so let’s look at all the good things that’ll happen for your plants when you do. For example, scientists bred pseudomonas chloro- raphis because it’s a “plant growth promoting rhizo- bacteria,” or PGPR. Now here’s the really interesting thing about pseudomonas and other PGPR’s: they digest organic debris in your root zone by secreting compounds called cytokinins that stimulate floral pro- duction, plant health, and plant branching. These cytokinins, otherwise known as phytohor- mones, enter your plants and promote floral cell divi- sion, branching, and also have an anti-aging effect. Guess what…the anti-aging affect means your flow- ers create more potent oils, and your plants have more vigor longer into bloom phase than they nor- mally would. Installing Tarantula’s special breeds of beneficial microbes in your root zone you put up a microbial barrier pays off for you when you harvest your that protects your plants crops. Beneficial root zone microbes protect your plants by • Increase nutrient uptake and solubil- creating a barrier that keeps harmful microbes from ity of minerals getting started in your root zone. Our studies found • Produce natural plant growth hor- that in hydroponic root zones that were not treated mones with beneficial bacteria, there was a 39% chance that harmful bacteria had crept in. • Improve aeration and water-holding capacity of root zone material You may have experienced this as root rot, loss of clones, slow growth, or smaller yields, without know- • Increased viability of seeds, clones ing that your root zone had been colonized by harmful and transplants bacteria. • Enhance availability of phosphorous Along with the benefits outlined previously, beneficial and increase conversion of atmo- microbes establish a line of defense that outcompetes spheric nitrogen to plant-available with harmfuls so your roots are safer and stronger. nitrogen But that’s not all. You get leaf and stem protection • Defeat harmful fungi, molds and bac- when you spray Tarantula as a foliar so it stops pow- teria dery mildew and other problems that can harm your One other thing, for beneficial microbe leaves and flowers. products to be successful for you, they have to have a very high number of col- HERE’S WHAT TARANTULA’S ony-forming units per gram. In simple EXCLUSIVE MICROBES DO: language, this means that the formula should have a high number of microbes • Decompose organic matter to create extra nutri- per gram. Tarantula clocks in at 1.4 tion for your plants billion viable bacteria per gram, making • Increase plant growth rates and yields it by far the strongest of its type. turn page ¾
  • 6. PROFESSIONAL GROWER LEVEL not all beneficial root microbes formulas are STRONGER created equal ROOTS It’s confusing and frustrating when INCREASE you go to a hydroponics store and see YOUR beneficial microbes formulas made by GROWTH RATE different manufacturers. Your obvious PROTECT YOUR AND YIELD question is which of these is going to PLANTS give me the biggest bang for my buck. The answer is, there are two very SPECIALLY-BRED distinct processes manufacturers use DESIGNED BY MICROBES when they want to offer microbe prod- SCIENTISTS ucts ... Most hydroponics companies save money on costs by hiring a third-party company to bulk produce and bulk com- bine microbes without testing them for specific plant appropriateness or mi- Tarantula works for your plants in every type of hydroponics crobial compatibility. Not only that, but and soil system, guaranteeing you increased harvest rewards. their process includes a generic view of microbes. For example, when someone talks about the microbe “bacillus subtilis,” that strain name is really just the tip of the iceberg… it’s exactly like saying “Gen- eral Motors” to describe a car, and you have no idea if it’s a Pontiac or a Chevy. And if it’s a Chevy, it could be either a Malibu or Cor- vette. So if you’re lucky, you got the Corvette – but you’re still left guessing if your Corvette has the 430 hp motor or if it’s a ZR1 Corvette with the 620 horsepow- er motor! That’s how much difference there is between individual types of “bacillus subtilis” microbes. Obvious- ly we absolutely make sure VooDoo Juice microbes are always the ZR1 Corvette with 620 horsepower motor, not the Chevy Malibu! HERE’S HOW WE DO IT… • Advanced Nutrients hires the sharpest microbiolo- gists in the world. One of them is especially impres- sive: she has three Ph.D. degrees! We have a team of scientists testing and breeding hundreds of sub- varieties of bacillus subtilis and other beneficial mi- Beneficial microbes created by scientists crobes in a continual research program and we are studying the roots of plants you grow always upgrading our formulas. give you a wide array of plusses that increase the stability and productivity of • It’s a known fact that specific beneficial microbes your plants. work better with certain plants than others. That’s
  • 7. PROFESSIONAL why we put so much time and money into our versus slow replicating microbes). GROWER LEVEL breeding program. We’re driven to find the needle in the haystack of microbes that work absolutely • Tarantula is not outsourced. We’re the best for the plants you grow. the only hydroponics nutrient company in the world manufacturing • Our scientists demand that we buy them all the all our microbial products ourselves expensive, precision equipment needed to iden- with a full-time Ph.D. microbiologist tify each microbial strain’s special characteristics personally supervising all aspects of and compatibility with each other that make them production at all times. (The same “SuperStrains.” That’s why our microbes are also is true for our Piranha and VooDoo extremely fast-replicating so they quickly colonize Juice products) root zones for rapid results (yes, we test for fast • Each microbe strain is individually bred (not in a bunch of vats or tubs) in a purpose-built 10,000 liter breeding reactor. This is a very critical, time consuming step, but it’s necessary because different strains of beneficial microbes breed at different rates and we have to ensure total uniformity and maximum colony forming units (CFU’s). After breeding, the microbes are taken to the evaporation tower and dried, and then all the strains in Tarantula are carefully recombined. • To ensure Tarantula’s very long shelf life and superior viability, its microbes are put into hibernation with an “antagonist” compound that keeps the microbes dormant until you mix Tarantula into a nutrient reservoir and the antagonist is diluted. • As soon as the antagonist is diluted, Tarantula’s microbes immediately exit dormancy, replicate quickly, and burst into action for you by wrapping themselves around and penetrating into roots, creating flower-boosting hormones, and increasing root size and function. When you pick up Tarantula today, you’re on your way to making your garden the maximum-yielding envy of all your Use Tarantula to feed carbohydrates which strengthen friends. Get your roots protected and your beneficial microbes so they increase your root mass enhanced using Tarantula, and watch for even more flower-boosting power. the guaranteed bigger bud results. turn page ¾
  • 8. PROFESSIONAL frequently asked GROWER LEVEL fast facts questions PRODUCT TYPE: 100% Organic QUESTION: I see that you also have two other Root Booster / Crop Protector / formulas that go into the root zone. Will I get Yield Booster more benefits if I use all three, or can I just use GARDEN TYPES: Tarantula has been Tarantula? specially designed for use with all hydro- ponics, sphagnum, coco coir and soil ANSWER: It’s true that we offer VooDoo Juice growing mediums. Tarantula has been beneficial microbes and Piranha beneficial fungi, both developed for use with any and all hy- droponic, aeroponic, drip irrigation, NFT, of which have unique root and yield enhancing benefits. flood & drain, drip emitters and continu- We offer those formulas and Tarantula because the ous liquid feed growing systems. combined array of beneficials when using the three WHEN TO USE: Early Veg Phase, together gives you the most dynamic, supernaturally- Seedlings, Cloning, First phase of performing root zone that revs up your roots, plant bloom cycle. growth, and yield size. You can definitely use any of our MIXING DIRECTIONS: Use 2 mL beneficials by themselves and get increased growth and per Liter during weeks 1 and 2 of yield, but used together, you get the healthiest and most your flowering phase. productive plants possible. GROWER EXPERIENCE LEVEL: Professional and Grand Master QUESTION: My buddy used your VooDoo, Ta- Growers rantula and Piranha and said his roots got hu- TARANTULA BENEfITS: mongous. Can that be a problem? ● Natural, more-fertile root zone ● Bigger yields ANSWER: Your plants’ roots will get as big as they ● Plant protection and faster growth can get, given the space they’re growing in. This will give ● Resistance to disease and stress you more root support for bigger yields. Bigger roots ● Increased nutrient uptake equal bigger yields. But we’ve never seen a case where ● Increased light intake and the roots got so big that it caused problems for growers. photosynthesis rates Company Founders’ NO-RISK, QUESTION: I grow all-organic in soil. Why do I still need to use beneficial microbes? 100% Money Back GUARANTEE Tarantula was specifically built for growers just like you, ANSWER: If you could import the richest, healthiest, who have specific demands and expectations from your hy- most undisturbed and fertile outdoor soil into your gar- droponic needs. When you use Tarantula it must perform flawlessly for you. You’ll find it will mix easily and quickly den, you’d have a rich broth of beneficial microbes. But into your reservoir and deliver the goods you’re looking for. that kind of soil will also have pathogens and insects in What’s more..., Tarantula will work every time for you using it, and it is usually not the right porosity or pH for your any and all hydroponics, sphagnum, coco coir and soil grow- ing mediums and all hydroponics, aeroponics, drip irrigation, types of plants or gardening. Truth be told, most soil NFT, flood & drain, drip emitters and continuous liquid feed you buy is either biologically dead, or its diseases. So by growing systems. We guarantee it! adding the right types of beneficial microbes to your soil, And when you use Tarantula you’ll never have to risk even you ensure that only beneficials gain dominance there. one penny because it’s 100% guaranteed, as always if for any reason you’re not absolutely delighted we’ll refund all your money back it’s that simple. As always, dedicated to your garden- ing success.
  • 9. For Organic High Value Gardening, Use This Premium 100% ORGANIC FORMULA To Boost The Size And Quality Of Your Buds I n your relentless quest for larger buds that are Most manufacturers use acid hydrolysis, which destroys worth more to you and your associates, you now L-aminos. When you use Nirvana’s enzymatically- have an all-organic formula called Nirvana. hydrolyzed soy protein, your plants get L-aminos that When you look at what Nirvana has in it and how these stimulate floral growth, size and potency. organics work for you, you’ll realize why Nirvana is the Another Nirvana benefit comes from two other plants: number one choice for growers seeking an organic way Chilean Soap Bark and Yucca. These amazing plants to increase yield and quality. produce compounds called surfactants. A surfactant is a There’s a superstar list of ingredients on board for compound that reduces the “surface tension” of liquids you including alfalfa extract that stimulates growth so they and and yield in your hydroponic plants because it contains whatever they triacontanol, a powerful molecule that increases contain more your plants’ absorption of C02. Alfalfa is particularly easily enter important if you’ve invested money in C02 for your your plants grow room; it gives you more rapid intake of C02, faster via roots and growth and larger yields. leaves. Nirvana also gives you ascophyllum nodosum algae Surfactants (along with kelp extracts). These rich compounds also help contain auxins, betaines and cytokinins that are direct compounds stimulators of root function, cell replication, flower travel deeper size and flower growth rates. In addition, kelp and and faster ascophyllum extracts increase your plants’ resistance to inside plants. heat, stress, overfertilization and drought. What this means is that It’s interesting to note that these extracts can extend nutrients are the shelf life of stored flowers. When you use Nirvana more available starting in early flowering, its algae and kelp extracts to more of your create more flowering sites, more flowers, and larger plants. Yucca flowers. extract and The benefits keep on coming when you use Nirvana Chilean Soap because it contains soy protein that has been pre- Bark extract are digested using enzymes instead of the acid process that two all-natural most manufacturers use. Enzymatically-hydrolyzed soy surfactants protein ensure that flower-boosting amino acids cysteine that transfer and tryptophan are preserved in the biologically-active nutrients into “L” form. your plants. Not
  • 10. PROFESSIONAL only that, but, Chilean Soap Bark fights plant viruses contains 22 essential amino acids and increases the strength and scope of your plants’ that build plant proteins, and it’s also GROWER LEVEL immune systems. loaded with B vitamins. The most im- portant of these are B1 and B6, which help plants defend themselves against The Only True Organic stress and also offer cellular protec- Harvest-Boosting Gift For Your Plants tion. B vitamins are particularly useful for cloning, seedlings and transplant- Have you ever heard of tiny organisms called “krill?” ing, motherplants and gardens where These little critters have an outer shell made of a chitin. plants are being pushed hard for pro- When chitin is fed to your plants, it stimulates plant duction. immune systems, similar to how a vaccination protects you against disease. Chitin helps your plants defend Nirvana Provides themselves against harmful fungi and insect attacks and it assists beneficial root zone microbes that strengthen and Rich, Organic Nutrients protect your roots. For Your Plants Another of Nirvana’s potent bud potentiator ingredients Nirvana contains a miracle substance is bat guano that contains chitin, along with nitrogen, called “azomite”. When you read the trace elements, amino acids, nucleic acids, proteins list of substances that are contained in and minerals. Bat guano is rapidly-absorbed by plants, azomite, you’ll see why it’s valuable creating stronger plants that grow faster and produce for your plants. bigger flowers. These include calcium oxide, Along with guano, Nirvana has a yeast component that carbon, iron, hydrogen, silica, Your flowers are safer, more potent, tastier, more aromatic, and more valuable when you use Nirvana, the only true all-organic bud builder that provides vitamins, nutrients, L-aminos, carbohydrates, and yield boosters. turn page ¾
  • 11. PROFESSIONAL GROWER LEVEL NIRVANA OUTPERFORMS ALL OTHERS TASTIER FLOWERS MORE POTENT FLOWERS LARGER FLOWERS RARE EXTRACTS ALL ORGANIC NIRVANA BEATS LIQUID KARMA AND ALL OTHER ORGANIC Nirvana gives you a wider range of crop-boosting BOOSTERS COMBINED benefits than Liquid Karma, Pure Blend, and similar competing formulas, and it’s 100% organic. root zone. A related compound is fulvic acid, also derived from leonardite. Fulvic acid similarly transports nutrients into cells. It also has protective benefits that help plants resist stress and toxins. Scientists worked hard to give you an all-organic bloom phase booster Putting it All Together For More Organic that increases the dollar value of your Growth Boosters In One Easy Formula harvests while adding quality and pleasure to your gardening experience. As you can imagine, it’s difficult to individually source or use these beneficial natural ingredients as individual gold, magnesium, nitrogen, sulfur, supplements … magnesium oxide, antimony, chromium, cobalt, boron, molybdenum, For your convenience, Advanced Nutrients has copper, phosphorus pentoxide, extracted, standardized and combined these powerful manganese, indium, silver, zinc and compounds into one formula called Nirvana. Not only dozens of others. In fact, virtually that, but Nirvana is triple-filtered, custom-blended for every element on earth is contained you to easily apply as a foliar feed or in any type of in azomite. You’ll notice that many hydroponics irrigation root zone system. of azomite’s ingredients are essential Be aware that Nirvana is often placed on hydroponic nutrients for your plants. store shelves along with competing products such as Pure Another of Nirvana’s underground Blend Pro and Liquid Karma, but Nirvana contains more benefits for your plants is humic acid. crop-boosting ingredients than any other organic booster It comes from leonardite, which is product. Not only that, Nirvana is the only 100% organic, amongst the richest veins of organic concentrated and easy to use formula of its type. material in the earth. Humic acid In your quest to naturally increase the size, potency, helps your plants intake and utilize weight and marketability of your flowers, Nirvana stands nutrients faster, while protecting roots alone as a rich supplement that you want to feed your and creating a healthier, more aerated plants right away.
  • 12. PROFESSIONAL Fast Facts “Before I was using GROWER LEVEL Nirvana, I was kind of PRODUCT TYPE: Organic Bloom Booster resigned thinking that the and Plant Growth Enhancer price of staying organic GARDEN TYPES: Nirvana has been specially designed was that I lost some for use with all hydroponics, sphagnum, coco coir and soil harvest weight. But I growing mediums. Nirvana has been developed for use gave Nirvana a try. I used with any and all hydroponic, aeroponic, drip irrigation, it as a foliar spray about NFT, flood & drain, drip emitters and continuous liquid growing systems. 3 weeks before I went to flowering and as a root WHEN TO USE: During bloom phase, cloning, for feed after that. You could seedlings, when plants are under stress see the difference right MIXING DIRECTIONS: Use 2 mL per Liter during away. The flowers are weeks 3 through 6 of your flowering phase bigger and they have a GROWER EXPERIENCE LEVEL: sweeter taste! Professional and Grand Masters Growers Qunicy T., from Athens, Georgia NIRVANA BENEFITS: l Boosts energy and metabolism so your plants grow larger faster l Increases nutrient distribution and uptake Frequently Asked l Strengthens plants against day-to-day stress Questions l Gives more harvest value for your investment l Provides building materials for more and larger blooms QUESTION: I’ve heard that Nirvana l Boosts energy and metabolism so your plants grow is good as a foliar. Can it be left on larger faster blooms until harvest time? l Increases nutrient distribution and uptake ANSWER: Nirvana has two surfactants that make it penetrate leaves Company Founders’ NO-RISK, to deliver flower-boosting compounds 100% Money Back directly into floral clusters. Nirvana is all-organic, so it’s safe to leave on your GUARANTEE flowers. However, we recommend that Nirvana was specifically built for growers just like you, who have specific demands you mist and cleanse your floral clusters and expectations from your hydroponic needs. When you use Nirvana it must with pure water just before harvest as perform flawlessly for you. You’ll find it will mix easily and quickly into your a general way of creating the cleanest reservoir and deliver the goods you’re looking for. end product. What’s more..., Nirvana will work every time for you using any and all hydroponics, sphagnum, coco coir and soil growing mediums and all hydroponics, aeroponics, QUESTION: Does Nirvana do drip irrigation, NFT, flood & drain, drip emitters and continuous liquid feed growing anything to improve taste and aroma systems. We guarantee it! when using it in with synthetic And when you use Nirvana you’ll never have to risk even fertilizers? one penny because it’s 100% guaranteed, as always if for any reason you’re not absolutely delighted we’ll ANSWER: One of the main effects refund all your money back it’s that simple. of Nirvana is to add an organic, natural As always, dedicated to your gardening success. component to synthetic feed programs. Many growers report the improved taste and aroma when they use Nirvana.
  • 13. GET THIS EASY WAY TO CLEAN YOUR ROOTS SO YOU CAN AND GET BIGGER YIELDS I f you want bigger yields, then you should give your plants’ a clean root zone filled with active enzymes that digest debris and promote nutrient absorption Turn Root Zone Waste Into Faster Growth ... creates nutrition And Bigger Yields for your plants ... and even makes First of all, enzymes are molecules that take apart other molecules, a fact that can get you your root zone faster growth and bigger yields ... material reusable You see, if you were growing outdoors in the so you save money. healthiest, most fertile soil, your plants’ roots would be surrounded by billions of beneficial microbes that manufacture enzymes. These enzymes are constantly breaking down dead roots, other organic matter, and unused nutrients. They transform them into materials that your plants use for fuel to make faster growth and bigger yields. Rich enzymes in the root zone are one main reason outdoor plants get so huge and productive ... but ... you can’t just use any enzymes. You have to give your root zone the most powerfully appropriate enzymes for the job. Specifically, the most useful enzymes are chitinases, proteases,
  • 14. SUPPLEMENT PROFESSIONAL “I used some other SensiZym enzyme stuff and when I opened the GROWER LEVEL PRODUCT TYPE: Root Zone Cleanser, Root Enhancer, Plant bottle it smelled bad. That Protector happened twice. Then they GARDEN TYPES: recommended Sensizym Rockwool, Coir, Soil, Sphagnum, Ebb & Flow, and I got it and it was clearly NFT, aeroponics, aquaponics, vertical stacker, superior. I’ve used it in rotary, indoor, outdoor, organic, synthorganic, rockwool and aeroponics synthetic. and it works great in both.” WHEN TO USE: Sensizym works in all kinds Josh, from Kitchener, Ontario During all phases of growth, but especiallyof hydroponics systems to protect your crops, save you beginning in early bloom phase and continuing and activate your money, to harvest. plants for bigger yields. 100% SHELF LIFE, ENZYME CONCENTRATION AND ENZYME STRENGTH SHELF LIFE, ENZYME CONCENTRATION AND ENZYME STRENGTH MIXING DIRECTIONS: Ullabore henditate SENSIZYM hydrolases, glucanases and cellulases. GROWER EXPERIENCE LEVEL: Professionalinsert Grand Masterconcentrated amounts of When you and live, thriving, growers these enzymes into your root zone, you create the vigorous enzymatic environment your roots need so they’re protected against nematodes, pathogens and rot. At the same time, the enzymes are turning debris into pre-digested food for your plants! CANNAZYME You Get What You Really 50% HYGROZYME Need In An Enzyme MICROZYME Formula You should know a lot of hydroponics companies take shortcuts that short circuit the value of enzymes. Instead of using the precise types and ratios of enzymes that have been shown to work the hardest and fastest in your root zone, some companies outsource their manufacturing so they don’t know what’s in their enzyme products. 0% Because when you want to deliver a guaranteed effective Sensizym gives YOU LONGERshelf life, more SENSIZYM GIVES you longer SHELF LIFE, MORE enzyme formula to gardeners, you have to get enzymes that BIOLOGICAL ENZYME ACTIVITY, AND MORE biological enzyme activity, and more have been specially extracted in professional bioengineering CONCENTRATED ENZYME POWER THAN ANY OTHER laboratories ... concentrated enzyme power than HYDROPONICS ENZYME FORMULA any other hydroponics enzyme formula. Scientists in these labs grow huge amounts of beneficial soil microbes (the kind that manufacture the enzymes your plants need), and then they ferment those microbes to get concentrated doses of enzymes. After that, the enzymes are “I started using Sensizym to get more tested individually and together to ensure that they have out of Piranha, VooDoo and Tarantula. maximum shelf life, viability and effectiveness in the root I saw that my veg phase plants grow zone. faster now, and the Sometimes our scientists found that an individual enzyme roots are stronger. might not work so well with other enzymes, or that a The rockwool is cleaner. particular enzyme just cannot be kept active in solution. This stuff works!” They also discover the optimum pH and liquid viscosity Naomi K., that works to preserve the bioactivity of enzymes for long from Guelph, Ontario, Canada periods of time.
  • 15. PROFESSIONAL Of course, there are other considerations. Our scientists “To be honest, I have no idea what an enzyme GROWER LEVEL are aware of the pH and is or what it does. I bought this because the temperature of nutrient water hydro store guy said to when I was having in your hydroponics garden. problems with root rot. Well I don’t have the They make sure that Sensizym’s root rot problems anymore and I also see that enzymes function are at full Sensizym made the plants bushier. So I think strength in your range of pH and temperature. this is a great product for sure.” By the way, it’s interesting to Luke, from Chico, California note that Sensizym enzymes and beneficial microbes work together to provide additional benefits in your root zone. For example, when Sensizym’s enzymes break down material into sugars, beneficial microbes eat the sugars, creating more enzymes, larger root mass, hormones that boost flowers, and increased root uptake of nutrients. Now Save Money On Rockwool, Coco, Or Whatever Else You’re Using For Your Root Zone The bottom line is: there’s now an easy way for you to enhance your roots, put more nutrition into your plants, protect your roots, boost floral growth, deprive harmful pathogens of food, and clean your root zone. As you prepare to get 100% organic Sensizym and bring all these benefits into your garden, there’s one other interesting fact that growers have discovered using Sensizym. According to what we’re told by growers, and confirmed by gardeners as well as plant scientists, Sensizym does such a good job of decomposing root zone debris that you can reuse root zone media such as rockwool and coco coir. This saves you money and time, because you don’t have to buy root zone material as often. You don’t have to buy it and then pre-treat it as often. Nor do you have to dispose of it as often. So get yourself Sensizym and give yourself the “Before I used Sensizym I had to throw out root zone benefits that translate into safer, faster- my rockwool slabs after every crop. It cost growing, higher-yielding plants. When you go me money and was messy. Now I can use to your store to get your enzyme formula, rest the slabs for three or more crop cycles. The assured that Sensizym is the only one with such a money I saved is going to LED lights.” broad range of bioactive, concentrated enzymes Bruce, from Hartford, Connecticut specifically researched and found to be perfect for your root zone.
  • 16. PROFESSIONAL PRODUCTTYPE: Root Zone Cleanser, Cleaner, more biologically Root Enhancer, Plant Protector GROWER LEVEL active root zones will save you money because you can use your root zone media over SENSIZYMBENEFITS: again, and it will make you Cleaner Root Zone money because your plants are healthier and more productive. Less Pathogens and Diseases in Root Zone More Nutrition for Faster Growth and Bigger Yield Save Money on Root Zone Materials Feed Beneficial Microbes GROWEREXPERIENCELEVEL: Professional and Grand Master Growers WHENTOUSESENSIZYM: During all phases of growth, but especially begin- ning in early bloom phase and continuing to harvest. GARDENTYPES: Sensizym has been specially designed for use with all hydroponics, sphagnum, coco coir and soil growing mediums. Sensizym has been developed for use with any and all hydroponic, aeroponic, drip irrigation, NFT, flood & drain, drip emitters and continuous liquid feed growing systems. FREQUENTLYASKEDQUESTIONS QUESTION: I definitely want to reuse my rockwool, so how do I do it? Company Founders’ NO-RISK, ANSWER: Use Sensizym throughout bloom phase. Make sure you do a Final Phase flush 100% Money Back before harvest. After harvest, flush your rockwool GUARANTEE thoroughly, and go through it to ensure that no large pieces of root or other material are still Sensizym was specifically built for growers just like you, who present. Keep the medium pH balanced and apply have specific demands and expectations from your hydroponic Sensizym for a few more days. Then let the medium needs. When you use Sensizym it must perform flawlessly for you. You’ll find it will mix easily and quickly into your reservoir dry to the regular wetness that’s optimum for your and deliver the goods you’re looking for. plants, and reuse the material. What’s more..., Sensizym will work every time for you using QUESTION: I went to the hydro store to get any and all hydroponics, sphagnum, coco coir and soil growing Sensizym. The salesman said that it had been on mediums and all hydroponics, aeroponics, drip irrigation, his shelf about 3 months. He said that he would NFT, flood & drain, drip emitters and continuous liquid feed not recommend other enzyme products if they had growing systems. We guarantee it! been in the store more than a couple weeks. So And when you use Sensizym you’ll never have to risk even how long is yours going to last on the shelf? one penny because it’s 100% guaranteed, as always if for any ANSWER: We have the reason you’re not absolutely delighted we’ll refund all your strongest guarantee and money back it’s that simple. the longest shelf life in the As always, dedicated to your industry. Under normal gardening success. storage conditions with a reasonably temperature- controlled store, the shelf life is 18 months.